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Subversion server on 64-bit Windows? [closed]

I want to set up a Subversion server installation on Windows Server 2003 64-bit and I'm considering using VisualSVN Server. Does this work OK in a 64-bit environment? Are there any issues or gotchas I should be aware of before installing the software?

Many thanks!

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ChrisN Avatar asked Oct 27 '08 10:10


2 Answers

Ive been using VisualSVN Server on W2K3 x64 on one of our MS SQL 2005 boxes with no problems at all for over a month now. I followed the installation guide and have had no issue at all with either the server code or the integrated Apache server.

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hearn Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 04:10


VisualSVN 1.5.1 works on Vista 64 bits. You can get some update here for Vista if you experiment some problem, but you should be fine.

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Patrick Desjardins Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 03:10

Patrick Desjardins