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To host or not to host?




What are the pros and cons of using a hosting provider for a Subversion repository versus maintaining it in-house? I'm sure there are benefits in terms of ease of set up and use. And it would be nice to have somebody else make sure that our code is backed up properly.

However, Visual SVN Server is dirt simple to set up, and we already have a pre-established set of servers that are maintained by another department and backed up regularly. So with that said, what are the big pros and cons of using a hosted service versus maintaining it ourselves?

Cross links:

  • What Are Some Decent ISPs That Host Subversion
  • Where Should a Subversion Repository Be
  • Should I use software hosting solution for my personal projects
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Jason Baker Avatar asked Oct 04 '08 17:10

Jason Baker

1 Answers

Here's my personal experience with this problem. I ran my own SVN server for 2+ years and CVS 2+ years before that. SVN is dirt simple to admin but over time more and more of my code was making it's way into the repository. I literally have everything I ever wrote from college up until today my respository (work projects of course excluded).

I truly fretted way to often that I had my life's work sitting on some random server in my house. 5 years of code is quite a bit. Occasionally I would get paranoid enough to run a backup and take a CD to work and throw it in the desk. But the time between backups frankly was lacking.

There was also the security concerns of self hosting a server. I was pretty diligent about installing updates (debian is so so easy to that with). But over time I found I had less and less time to admin the server.

Eventually I researched some providers and took a stab at using wush.net. You won't be able to make me go back to self hosting. Wush.net is an incredible host. I've been using them for 2-3 years now and in all of that time there has been a single (yes single) instance that I wasn't able to get my source. They do nightly offsite backups so I feel good about the security of my code. And not having to admin anymore I have that much more time to actually get some coding done.

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JaredPar Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 23:11
