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Auto-commit changes to TRUE after a while using a connection pool

jdbc connection-pooling

Oracle JDBC Types Mapped to Java Object Types by getObject() - wrong document?

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How to do XA transaction which includes JDBC and JMS transactions?

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How to pass a list of parameter to stored procedure and perform batch insert in SQL Server

JDBC converting Timestamp to NULL (zeroDateTimeBehavior issue)

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jooq Converter: from java.sql.Date to java.time.LocalDate

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Resource reference with name 'jdbc/devl' not found in ibm-web-bnd.xml

Spring Boot with Gradle failed for task :test?

How to cause a "ORA-01555: snapshot too old error" without updates

oracle jdbc transactions

Optimizing MySQL query on large table

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Hibernate batch update using HQL Query

log4j postgres in Java EE

Pl/sql %RowType in JDBC

java jdbc oracle11g

inserting / updating a row based on its availability in database

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DD anomaly, and cleaning up database resources: is there a clean solution?

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Why MySQL insert is slower than JDBC?

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Preventing SQL Injection in JDBC without using Prepared Statements

Can Spring/JPA/Hibernate use simple JDBC-compliant driver?

jdbc connection error: not associated with a managed connection

java postgresql jdbc jboss

How do I pass a List/Set/Array to Apache QueryRunner as parameter value?

java jdbc