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Preventing SQL Injection in JDBC without using Prepared Statements

I am aware that using Prepared Statements is the best way to protect against SQL Injection (and syntax errors due to unescaped characters in unchecked input).

My current situation is that I am writing some Java code to move data from one third party application to another. The destination application uses a proprietary version of Sybase and so whilst I do have the JTDS JDBC driver PreparedStatement fails, as the driver uses temporary stored procedures which aren't supported in this particular flavour of the database. So I only have Statement to work with and I have no control over the user input as it is coming from another application.

There is this similar question but that is focused on fixing the problem where you have a parameter such as a table which cannot be handled via a Prepared Statement. My case is different and hopefully simpler, since I have straightforward SQL statements. I would like to know if there is a best practice for replicating something like the following without using PreparedStatement:

PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE mytable SET value=? WHERE id=?");
statement.setInt(1, getID());

So I guess the problem is how can I sanitise the user input reliably? I can try to do that myself from scratch but this seems like a bad idea as there is likely to be at least one edge case I'd miss, so I was hoping there was a library out there that would do that for me, but I haven't been able to find one so far.

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Dave Webb Avatar asked Nov 07 '12 15:11

Dave Webb

People also ask

How does JDBC prevent SQL injection attacks?

To prevent SQL Injection attacks in Java, you must treat user input passed to the SQL queries as untrusted and avoid dynamic SQL queries created using simple string concatenation. If possible, you should validate input against a whitelist and use parametrized queries also known as prepared statements in Java JDBC.

Which methods can be used to avoid SQL injection?

The only sure way to prevent SQL Injection attacks is input validation and parametrized queries including prepared statements. The application code should never use the input directly. The developer must sanitize all input, not only web form inputs such as login forms.

Can we prevent SQL injection using prepared statements?

A prepared statement is a parameterized and reusable SQL query which forces the developer to write the SQL command and the user-provided data separately. The SQL command is executed safely, preventing SQL Injection vulnerabilities.

What is SQL injection in JDBC?

In simple words, SQL Injection means injecting/inserting SQL code in a query via user-inputted data. It can occur in any applications using relational databases like Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQL Server.

2 Answers

The ESAPI library has procedures for escaping input for SQL and for developing your own db specific encoders if necessary.

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Chris Nava Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 09:10

Chris Nava

Check out JTDS FAQ - I'm pretty confident that with a combination of properties prepareSQL and maxStatements you could go there (or "could have gone" as you probably completed that task years ago :-) )

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Jan Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 10:10
