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regex negative lookbehind is doing a normal lookbehind or gives an error




I'm trying to get regex to capture some data with a negative lookbehind so it won't match if a certain string preceeds it. I know there are two basic formats but neither are working. I'm doing this in a search app and can't use java to augment so the solution has to be purely with regex.

This format gives me an error saying "Regular Expression syntax-error: invalid quantifier"

(?<!Product) Type : (.*?)<

This format acts a normal lookbehind and captures only when Type is preceded by Product:

(?!=Product) Type : (.*?)<

What am I doing wrong?

like image 905
Travis Crum Avatar asked Oct 04 '12 16:10

Travis Crum

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1 Answers

(?<!Product)[ ]Type[ ]:[ ](.*?)<

This should do what you want. You have to wrap the spaces in brackets []

It will not match:

Product Type : xyz<

but it will match and capture xyz:

Other Type : xyz<

like image 193
danseery Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 13:11
