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Configuring Spring-Boot Autowired JdbcTemplate with Derby

Unable to connect to HIVE2 via JAVA

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Callable or PreparedStatement and transactions

CallableStatement vs Statement

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Correct way of reusing PreparedStatement instance?

Can I copy a Postgresql Large Object on the db server?

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Behaviour of active transaction on connection close?

java jdbc

how to use tns entries with macromedia drivers for Oracle

Handle multiple JDBC drivers from the SAME VENDOR

jdbc jar classloader

How can I set a connection property?

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explicitly select jdbc driver when connecting to oracle database

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Paging with jdbcTemplate

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Database Connection to MySQL times out even after setting c3p0.testConnectionOnCheckout=true

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Steps to use a Firebird database in Grails

sharing a JDBC Connection object between other objects

java jdbc connection

com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The result set has no current row

java sql jdbc

How to connect Sybase database using Java code in NetBeans?

java jdbc connection sybase

Deadlock graph showing unknown Index name

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Two different prepared statements in one single batch

The Network Adapter could not establish the connection when connecting with Oracle DB

java oracle exception jdbc