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How to register oracle jdbc driver on Tomcat 7.0.47 startup?

java oracle tomcat jdbc driver


sql jdbc openedge

ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor

java jdbc oracle11g

Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 1

How do I configure a SQL Server datasource in JBoss to connect using a specific Active Directory user?

Configure GlassFish JDBC connection pool to handle Amazon RDS Multi-AZ failover

getSchema in PostgreSQL JDBC driver throws java.lang.AbstractMethodError or java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException

postgresql jdbc driver

Java 7 try-with-resources using spring transactions results in connection closed when committing

Object-mapping in Spring JDBC?

java spring jdbc

Formatting Dates while using the UCanAccess JDBC driver

JDBC driver doesn't support batch update with retrieval of identity column. Why?

java sql-server jdbc

How to reset the JDBC Connection Pool

clojure jdbc: how to insert into a table with a specific schema?

jdbc clojure

Database needed with elasticsearch?

Spark SQL - PostgreSQL JDBC Classpath Issues

What happens if you close a closed connection?

How to properly set utf8 encoding with jdbc and MySQL?

java mysql jdbc encoding utf-8

How to get generated Id using node-jdbc?

node.js oracle jdbc insert

Postgres Error method org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection.createClob() is not implemented

how to return connection to pool