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Hibernate Mass Insert/update : is this a good approach?

java sql hibernate jdbc

Replacement for JDBC-ODBC Bridge

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Java File upload to MySQL [duplicate]

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Which DataSource for application used both in standalone and webapp context (Java 7, Tomcat 7)?

Spring BatchSqlUpdate vs NamedParameterJdbcTemplate using named parameters

JRE crashes when running sqlite statements

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Why is my JDBC update not working?

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Trying to connect to sqlite db using schemacrawler using OSX - why is it asking for a user?

Postgres and c3p0 invalid timezone error during connection

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Can I re-use a PreparedStatement if it hits a transient exception?

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how can i retrieve data from multiple databases in a single query?

Derby classpath can't connect to database

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How do I generate a JDBC database URL?

java sql-server database jdbc

Understanding JdbcConnectionPool with H2 database

java multithreading jdbc h2

How do I fetch a JDBC connection in a hibernate 4.3 Integrator?

What are the advantages of installing JDBC Driver as a Module in WildFly

Squirrel Client Connecting to Phoenix - Timeout Exception

How to uniquely name an object

Java 9, Hibernate and java.sql/javax.transaction

java hibernate maven jdbc java-9

APPARENT DEADLOCK Creating emergency threads for unassigned pending tasks

java mysql jdbc mybatis