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CDI/Weld: book or resource recommendation [closed]

cdi jboss-weld

Are CDI event observer methods compatible with EJBs?

CDI injection in EntityListeners

Injecting a Spring bean using CDI @Inject

java spring jsf cdi jboss-weld

When is a @Dependent scoped CDI bean destroyed, if you obtain that bean via Provider.get()?

jakarta-ee cdi jboss-weld weld

Using CDI (Weld) in Tomcat with simple POJO classes

CDI - what is the correct bean.xml format?

java glassfish cdi jboss-weld

View Scope in CDI Weld

scope cdi jboss-weld

Bean discovery problems when using weld-se with Gradle application plugin

java gradle jboss-weld weld-se

Can the classpath scanning be controlled in Weld?

JBoss Weld + java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

java jsf jsf-2 cdi jboss-weld

What is the difference between @Inject and @PersistenceContext?

How to inject String constants easily with Weld?

CDI Ambiguous dependencies

java cdi jboss-weld

CDI Application and Dependent scopes can conspire to impact garbage collection?

Is there an equivalent in CDI(WELD) to build definitions (as done in Guice modules) and then create an Injector?

guice cdi jboss-weld

Injecting a bean from a different Jar in Weld

jar cdi ear jboss-weld

How to create a modular JSF 2.0 application?

What are the best debugging tricks with Weld/CDI?

What is the default scope of a Named CDI bean?