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Explain this confusing dojo tutorial syntax for declare

Integration of Bootstrap and Foundation with MVC frameworks

Extjs grid column header, add dropdown menu item to specific columns

Tell ember.js to use different key for its model's "id"

When does a dynamically loaded JavaScript library become available?

Embedding Ember/Angular apps into pre-existing site

Tips for an intermediate javascript programmer to write better code

Which javascript MVC framework stacks better with Symfony 2?

jQuery core methods vs utility methods [closed]

Backbone.js - Binding from one view to another?

Server-Side javascript framework

Best JavaScript framework for desktop applications [duplicate]

How can I pass PHP GET URL variables to open a window with Javascript?

Javascript framework for pushstate "hijax"

Meaning of keyword "this" in jQuery Vs MVC

Is there a reason to use a Javascript framework in conjunction with ASP-MVC?

JavaScript based iPhone UI framework

Getting started with vue-resource

How to build this web app with Backbone.js?

JavaScript architecture - mediators, when to use them?