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New posts in java.time.instant

ScalaTest: treat Instants as equal when in the same millisecond

Ordering Set by Instant

java.time.LocalDate vs Instant for a 'business date'

Query on Date only with Spring Boot Data JPA / Java 8 Instant?

How to return Java 'java.time.Instant' property as json value in Restful API body response?

What is the main purpose of the new interface java.time.InstantSource over existing abstract class Clock?

Java Years between 2 Instants

java.time and JPA

Java 8 date/time: instant, could not be parsed at index 19

Mapstruct LocalDateTime to Instant

What Java DateTime class should I use?

Timestamp to Instant in Java [duplicate]

Convert Date from ISO 8601 Zulu string to java.time.Instant in Java 8

How to store a Java Instant in a MySQL database

java 8 time api - Instant.now(clock) vs LocaldateTime.now(clock)

Why is adding weeks to java.time.Instant not supported?

Calculate days, hours and minutes between two instants

Instant vs ZonedDateTime

Which one is recommended: Instant.now().toEpochMilli() or System.currentTimeMillis()

Converting string to Instant