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New posts in java-native-interface

Calling C++ dll from Java

JNI: passing bytes from c++ to java

Android How To Read JNI Core Dump Files

Is AES256 encryption decryption possible in Java without unlimited strength JCE files?

JNI C++ DLL - 'UnsatisfiedLinkError: %1 is not a valid Win32 application'

Do I need to clean up the char* passed to NewStringUTF?

Set java.library.path for testing

ABIs [armeabi, mips] are not supported for platform android NDK

How do I load my own Java class in C on Android?

Type casting a variable from jBoolean to bool

Passing pointers between C and Java through JNI

Why are JNI calls to native methods slower than similar methods in sun.misc.Unsafe?

Do I need to call ReleaseIntArrayElements on an array created with NewIntArray?

GetStringUTFChars function parameter


JNI GetMethodID not working for constructor of inner class

Performance / stability of a Memory Mapped file - Native or MappedByteBuffer - vs. plain ol' FileOutputStream

JNI - multi threads

Android - accessing files in native C/C++ code with Google Scoped Storage API

Android LocalServerSocket

What is the fastest way to set an arbitrary range of elements in a Java array to null?