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New posts in java-native-interface

How can I make Swig correctly wrap a char* buffer that is modified in C as a Java Something-or-other?

What share of Android devices benefits from Libjpeg-turbo optimisations?

Generating .so files in Android Studio 1.0.2 with NDK

Find the Delphi source line that matches an offset in a DLL

Newbie in Android NDK: definition in Android.mk

JNI- java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native method not found

Can C++ call Java code?

How to start a new thread from JNI

Returning jint array from c to java through jni

JNI Freeing Memory to Avoid Memory Leak

How can I instantiate a Java generic with JNI?

How to write code to call JNI using microsoft visual c++ [closed]

Return a 2D primitive array from C to Java from JNI/NDK

Building OpenSSL on Android NDK

undefined reference to `JNI_CreateJavaVM' linux

c++ java-native-interface

Which is the fastest way to access native code from Java?

Debugging Android NDK C/C++ code in Eclipse - breakpoints are not hit

What is the best way to save JNIEnv*

Non-Blocking File Reads

Where can I find the jni headers for Mac OS