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New posts in java-native-interface

Ending a Java thread in C (JNI)

Why isn't libgnustl_shared.so being copied from my APK?

Access GPS on Android from C++

Symbols are stripped when building native code using Gradle

What is the Java libjli library for?

JNI pass parameters to method of c++

How to correctly import an Android library with JNI code?

Calling a java function from C++ via JNI that returns a string [duplicate]

Using D to program to the Java Native Interface

java-native-interface d

JNI - problem with threads and jobject

Best practice: Where to resample PCM and which tool?

Android video editor classes

GC.AddMemoryPressure equivalent in Java

How to use a C library such as PJSIP on java?

Android How to handle multiple instances data/identities and JNI

access java synchronized method from native code

Android JNI: GetObjectClass crashes with SIGSEGV (not a valid JNI reference)

JNI keeping a global reference to an object, accessing it with other JNI methods. Keeping a C++ object alive across multiple JNI calls

how to write and read from bytebuffer passing from java to jni

Android - concatenate two videos