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New posts in java-native-interface

How to pass a C++ string to Java JNI in a well defined thread-safe way?

Are native C++ methods counted in dex file method count?

JNI in Dataflow

How can I load the AIR runtime as a in-process shared library from a C program

jni starter question

Java JNI leak in c++ process

how can 'const unsigned char *' be wrapped with swig for java

How do I convert to type SWIGTYPE_p_void in SWIG generated Java bindings?

JNI_CreateJavaVM fails in 64bit C

JNI: Calling GetStaticMethodID blows up

Can I place both the 32bit and 64bit versions of a native library on java.library.path?

Stanford CoreNLP python interface installation errors

Android NDK and Gradle: Different Android.mk per build type

I receive error message when run JNI android app A/libc﹕ Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadd00d (code=1), thread 17729

Setting native library path

Java memory Management for JNI

Convert C.jstring to native string in Go

Difference between using java.library.path and LD_LIBRARY_PATH

What does a JVM have to do when calling a native method?

What's the trade-off between using GetPrimitiveArrayCritical and Get<PrimitiveType>ArrayRegion?