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Is JDK7 safe to use now?

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What JRE home to set in Eclipse for JDK7u4 on Mac OS X?

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Is it possible to have a translucent windows in java 7 including a title bar?

Java 7u4 webstart security exception: Class does not match trust level

Infinite loop when forwarding a request in a Java Servlet

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Printing very big BigIntegers

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How to accept jdk's license agreement in command line?

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Java7 multiple exception handling

When to use 'java.util.Objects.*'?

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Javah not found error

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Unsupported Class Version Error

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validateTree in Java 7.x doesnt work (in Java 6.x was fine)

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What does the static InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress() return?

OpenCSV Avoid using FileWriter and return InputStream

In jdk7 watch service API, when will the OVERFLOW event be thrown?

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Java 8 Incompatible Types Error

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Can't define multi-catches in IntelliJ

Confusing example about '&&' and '||' precedence

Why can't we switch on classes in Java 7+?

Java nio FileSystem Watcher locks directories. Deletion becomes impossible [duplicate]