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New posts in java-6

How to set up the context class loader's classpath for runtime compilation?

Avoid If-else code smell with creation of objects which depend upon specific conditions

Regular expression to match strings in quotes with double-quotes inside

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Compile with java 6 from java 8 JDK installed

Is there a way to tell if a class was compiled for java6?

Avoiding PermGen out of memory and GC overhead limit exceeded

JDBC incompatibility error

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How can I suppress the creation of the hs_err_pid file?

java java-6 hs-err

Downloading Multiple Files Parallelly or Asynchronously in Java

Java Card Converter: unsupported class file format of version 50.0

Unicode version supported by Java 6

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Java - How to find count of items in a list in another list

java list count java-6

Unable to create heap dump due to ReadVirtual failed

Java 6 applications are prevented from being deployed to Google App Engine from any version of the SDK

Wrong last day of month

java calendar java-6

How to run Jersey with the built in web server from Java SE 6?

java jersey jdk1.6 java-6

Resource leak while using try...finally?

How can you disable all sorting code in JTable in 1.6

java swing jtable jdk1.6 java-6

Is there a way to do a live heap dump with ibm-jdk for linux?

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Will Java 6 latest run JavaFX 2 out of the box