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New posts in jackson

Jackson: Ignore whitespace in empty @XmlWrapperElement collection

java xml serialization jackson

how to deserialize / serialize byte array using Jackson and wrapper object

java json jackson base64

JAVA - Parsing an XML file into Map using FasterXml.Jackson

java xml jackson fasterxml

How to display BigDecimal number with trailing zero in a JSON (not as string)?

java json jackson

Should I use a wrapper or primitive type as field while using Jackson

Deserialize flat array in XML by Jackson to List of Pojo

Get header of csv using jackson-dataformat-csv

java csv jackson

Jackson deserialize elasticsearch long as LocalDateTime with Java 8

How do I register the Jackson provider with the Wink client?

Jackson deserialization - with contained ArrayList<T>

json jackson

Sending JSON with arbitrary key values using REST service (Jersey/Jackson)

java rest jersey jackson

Java unmarshilling JSON data containg abstract type

Entity properties serialized twice

java json spring jackson

Is it possible to user @JsonIdentityInfo with ObjectIdGenerators.PropertyGenerator when the IDs from different entity types overlap?

java xml jackson

How to include TypeReference ProGuard rule

jackson proguard

Jackson deserialize Enums with multiple names

Jackson serialize NULL property value if Include.NON_NULL is set at class level

How to use Jersey with a newer version of jackson

Jackson and java.sql.Time serialization / deserialization

Configure objectmapper inside Custom serializer jackson?