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New posts in jackson-databind

Mapping Json Array to POJO using Jackson

java json jackson-databind

Deserialize flat array in XML by Jackson to List of Pojo

Jackson deserialize elasticsearch long as LocalDateTime with Java 8

Ignore JSON deserialization if enum map key is null or unknown

Jackson Databind ObjectMapper convertValue with custom mapping implementaion

Scala module requiring specific version of data bind for Spark

For Jackson, How to safely share an ObjectMapper ? Is there any immutable ObjectMapper?

jackson serialization is excluding double value 0.0

java json jackson-databind

Jackson private constructors, JDK 9+, Lombok

SimpleDateFormat with Timezone set gets correct value but wrong zone

How do I deserialize to Boolean.class from Json object in case insensitive manner using Jackson?

How to customly serialize or convert a Map property with custom key type in Jackson JSON (de-)serialization?

Jackson JavaTimeModule not found even after adding jackson-modules-java8 dependency? [duplicate]


Is it possible to make Jackson serialize a nested object as a string

Jackson databind : Cannot construct instance of `java.time.OffsetDateTime`