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New posts in jackson-modules

Jackson JDK8 Data Type and Parameter Names modules don't play together

Jackson JavaTimeModule not found even after adding jackson-modules-java8 dependency? [duplicate]

Jackson Object Mapper readvalue in bytes returning a object with all fields initialized to null [closed]

skip malformed csv row

How can I register and use the jackson AfterburnerModule in Spring Boot?

Serialization errors due to jackson-databind version mismatch?

Writing Java object instance to YAML using Jackson

Jackson module not registered after update to Spring Boot 2

Spring MVC configuration + Jackson + Guava multimap

How to map the Mixins for the nested JSON response

ObjectMapper configuation for Java 8 Time API

Using jackson-dataformat-xml on android

Jackson Modules for Map Serialization

How to make sure Spring Boot extra Jackson modules are of same version?

Using Jackson in Jersey with multiple configured ObjectMappers

How can I loosen up the naming strategy when deserializing using Jackson?

Jackson desrialize when JsonProperty is sometimes array and sometimes a single Object

jackson - do not serialize lazy objects