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Setting up projects with IvyDE

eclipse ivy ivyde

How can I best share Ant targets between projects?

basedir must be absolute: ?/.ivy2/local

Ignore sources jar in Ivy retrieve

java ant red5 ivy

Resolving Apache Ivy dependencies when offline/disconnected?

java ant ivy

SBT Publish only when version does not exist

scala sbt ivy nexus

sbt publish local: Undefined resolver 'local'

scala sbt ivy

Apache IVY error message? : impossible to get artifacts when data has not been loaded

java scala maven ivy sbt

Play 2.0 and SNAPSHOT dependencies

How are snapshot and release repositories used differently?

sample example which explain how to use filesystem resolver


Where do I put my credentials when using Ivy and a private company repository?

java ant ivy nexus

intellij/activator/sbt are downloading dependencies previously downloaded by the other

scala intellij-idea sbt ivy

sbt dependency resolver with basic auth

Unresolved dependency SBT 0.13.0 after update

getting error message: "unknown resolver XYZ"

ant ivy

How can I control the dependencies of IntelliJ Scratch files?

where do you put ivysettings.xml?

ant ivy

How to resolve external packages with spark-shell when behind a corporate proxy?

Ivy not installing some JARs