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"Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character" running v4l2-ctl

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Configuring iTerm and Git to use a proxy on OS X

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How to set iterm2 tab title to that of a running tmux session name?

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'xterm-new': unknown terminal type

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[email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository

Change iTerm2 tab title dynamically for Ruby/Rails

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iTerm2 and tmux: open new tab in working directory of current tab

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How to fix .bash_profile when Terminal won't work

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Is there a way to "refresh" the terminal/iTerm without closing the current sessions?

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How to automatically set iTerm2 tab title to the filename opened in vim?

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Iterm2 colors - using the 42m or 41m options

ZSH RPROMPT weird spacing?

Vertical tmux borders dashed only when using iTerm

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Copy text to the clipboard from the OS/X terminal

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How to put "enter" or "return" when sending text in iTerm2

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Applescript (osascript): opening split panes in iTerm 2 and performing commands

Why is my Ctrl-key disabled in iTerm.app?

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Tmux copy buffer limit

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