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New posts in iterable-unpacking

Unpack a List in to Indices of another list in python

python iterable-unpacking

How to unpack optional items from a tuple? [duplicate]

For loop item unpacking

How To Merge an Arbitrary Number of Tuples in Python?

Passing a collection argument without unpacking its contents

Unpacking object variables in python

How does R evaluate these weird expressions?

vector unpacking for octave

Why does starred assignment produce lists and not tuples?

Why does Scala construct a new Tuple when unpacking a Tuple?

Is there an alternative for zip(*iterable) when the iterable consists of millions of elements?

How to unpack a list of tuples with enumerate? [duplicate]

Python: Why can't I unpack a tuple into a dictionary?

Unpacking a 1-tuple in a list of length 1

Python-like list unpacking in C#?

c# iterable-unpacking

Will tuple unpacking be directly supported in parameter lists in Scala?

python: when can I unpack a generator?

Subsetting a vector using another boolean vector in R

r subset iterable-unpacking

Python swapping lists

Is it possible to unpack a tuple without using variables?