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New posts in isabelle

Invoking Nitpick and Sledgehammer together in Isabelle

theorem-proving isabelle

What's the difference between "arith" and "presburger" in Isabelle?

What rule does 'apply (rule)' or 'proof' use?


How to replace ⋀ and ⟹ with ∀ and ⟶ in assumption


hiding operators to avoid ambiguities in the AST


What is the best way to search through general definitions, theorems, functions, etc for Isabelle?

isabelle theorem-proving

Is it possible to not import any theory in Isabelle?


Core of Verifier in Isabelle/HOL

proof isabelle

proof (rule disjE) for nested disjunction

isabelle isar

How to see step-by-step reasoning of Isabelle 'proofs'


Interactive math proof system

Nested recursion and `Program Fixpoint` or `Function`

Isabelle: Sledgehammer finds a proof but it fails

isabelle theorem-proving

How can I easily write simple tactics at the ML level of Isabelle?

sml isabelle

Idiomatic Proof by Contradiction in Isabelle?

proof isabelle isar

How to make the assumption of the second case of an Isabelle/Isar proof by cases explicit right in place?

proof isabelle isar

Why won't Isabelle simplify the body of my "if _ then _ else" construct?


How do I generate LaTeX from Isabelle/HOL? [closed]

latex isabelle

In Isabelle, how to print the state (i.e. subgoals to prove) in other formats (like S-expression, Json format...)?
