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New posts in inversion-of-control

Alternative to passing IOC container around

Point of using Dependency Injection (and for that matter an IoC Container) in LISP

.Net - Decoupling Unit of Work pattern for multiple ORM's

asp.net mvc with ioc --> avoiding constructor soup with BaseController

Ninject, Parallel.ForEach and InThreadScope()

How does the Dependency-Inversion Principal (DIP) reduce the need to make changes to depending modules when their dependencies change?

Service locator and dependency injection

Is It Possible to Implement Onion Architecture and DI with WebAPI on OWIN?

Whats the point of using Facade with IoC in Laravel

How to write JUnit for Adapter without overcomplicated code?

Traditional 3 tier architecture vs 3 tier with IOC

Java IoC Container Most Similar to Autofac

Ninject injection based on a route data value

Unity not using the default constructor of the class