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New posts in instance-variables

Multiple jQuery instances with vars, events, and DOM manipulation

smalltalk singleton pattern: how do I initialize the instance variables?

Why do people always use reassignment for instance variables in Objective-C (namely iPhone)?

Best practice for copying private instance vars with NSCopying

Objective C: ARC with IVars declared in implementation file

How to access instance variable from its "string name"?

Ruby creating instance variables outside a class

ruby instance-variables

Inheritance: object creation

In Ruby, how can I get instance variables in a hash instead of an array?

CoffeeScript instance variable

Overriding default value of instance var

Inheriting instance variables in Objective-c

Must all Python instance variables be declared in def __init__?

python instance-variables

instance variables in @interface; header vs implementation

Object of the class as instance variable inside the class [duplicate]

Same instance variable for all actions of a controller

Why are instance variables considered bad practice by Apple?

In Ruby, why after starting irb, foo.nil? says undefined error, and @foo.nil? gives "true", and @@wah.nil? gives error again?

Visual C# - Access instance of object created in one class in another

c# instance-variables

Total newbie: Instance variables in ruby?

ruby instance-variables