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New posts in instance-variables

Python: abstract instance variable?

Declaring instance variables iterating over a hash!

"Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance"

Java instance variables initialization with method

iVars references strong, weak or what?

Rails -- self vs. @

What is the correct (or best) way to subclass the Python set class, adding a new instance variable?

Instance Variables Inheritance

'Use of self in method call before super.init initializes self', can't init properties through a method call

Instance Variables in Javascript Classes

Ruby class instance variables and inheritance

Inherit class-level instance variables in Ruby?

Instance variables in methods outside the constructor (Python) -- why and how?

Can non-static methods modify static variables

Object-Oriented Perl constructor syntax and named parameters

Why do instance variables seemingly disappear when inside a block?

How to create a variable name from the value of a string in Ruby on Rails?

ruby instance-variables

How can Ruby's attr_accessor produce class variables or class instance variables instead of instance variables?

class variables is shared across all instances in python? [duplicate]

Why don't instance fields need to be final or effectively final to be used in lambda expressions?