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New posts in nscopying

Enabling the NSCopying protocol in a class

make UIImage conform to the NSCopying protocol

iphone uiimage nscopying

Why doesn't UIView (or it's subclasses) adopt the NSCopying Protocol?

Why must the key of an NSDictionary conform to NSCopying

NSString property and custom init

Is returning [self retain] in copyWithZone for immutable classes with mutable subclasses really safe / a good idea?

objective-c nscopying

Date.copy() in Swift 3.0

ios swift nscopying

What is the meaning of "zone" in copyWithZone:?

cocoa nscopying

NSCopying copy(with:) - Does it really need to return Any?

swift nscopying

Override copy or copyWithZone: or both?

iphone nscopying

What is the difference between "-copy" and "-copyWithZone:"?

Using instancetype as the return type of a copy in Objective-C?

Best practice for copying private instance vars with NSCopying

When is NSCopying needed?

Why zone is always nil while implementing NSCopying?

iPhone : (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone : what is "zone" for?

Implementing NSCopying in Subclass of Subclass

UIView as dictionary key?

How do copy and mutableCopy apply to NSArray and NSMutableArray?