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New posts in implicit-conversion

What implicit conversions are supported when using < and > operators?

c# implicit-conversion

Implicitly convert method group to Delegate (for argument of Control.Invoke)

Scala: generic weighted average function

Forbid integer conversion with precision loss

Order of implicit conversions in c#

c# implicit-conversion

C++-conversion function template deduction, why does this work?

Scala multiple implicit conversions?

scala implicit-conversion

How to distinguish compiler-inferred implicit conversion from explicitly invoked one?

How to make implicit conversion work during pattern matching

Auto-(un)boxing fail for compound assignment

C# why must conversion operator must be declared static and public?

Implementing multiparameter C++ template like behaviour on C# using Policy Pattern

Why isn't it possible to define implicit cast operator from interface to class?

Is there any advantage to using Mapper vs Implicit Operators?

Add implicit conversion from unique_ptr<T> to T*

Conversion operator: gcc vs clang

Scala - add unapply to Int

C++11 implicitly convert

Exclude a specific implicit from a Scala project

`ofstream` compared to 0