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New posts in image-processing

How to count objects depending on their number of holes

OpenCV blob detector isn't detecting white blobs

Detect and crop a box in .pdf or image as individual images

Finding a modified image - image forensics [closed]

Using download_data() and untar_data() in fastai library

Finding the darkest region in a depth map using numpy and/or cv2

Basics of normalized cross correlation

Php webservice that takes JSON via POST and spits back an image

Optical character recognition on the iPhone

How to make photo effects with php, skew images etc? [closed]

php image-processing

How to eliminate for loop in energy calculation?

matlab image-processing

stitching aerial images

How to count number of white and black pixels in color picture in python? How to count total pixels using numpy

How do I load url into Image into DrawImage in Compose UI Android Jetpack?

Image preprocessing in deep learning

How can I compress images using java?

How to remove watermark background in image Python

What is the difference between OpenCV.NET, OpenCVSharp and EmguCV?

Image recognition library/API for iPhone code [closed]

connected component labeling in python