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New posts in image-processing

FindFundamentalMatrix doesn't find fundamental matrix

Tesseract OCR: How to find the read-error-magnitude of each returned character?

Algorithm to determine size of a room from video feed

Orientation of a known object in an image

Simulating the highlight recovery tool from Photoshop

Reconstruction a 3D point from multiple 2D points?

Increasing graphics detail through script in Mathematica

Is there a faster way to get the colors in a screen-shot?

How does bwmorph branchpoints work?

c# image resizing

fast way to update image objects in Matlab figure

matlab image-processing

OpenCV findcontours returns 2 contours for each circle

C# Image Generator - Slow Performance

HOG descriptor for object detection

Alternatives to ImageMagick for resizing

Filtering Image For Improving Text Recognition

Android: how to warp images?

android image-processing

How to get the cells of a sudoku grid with OpenCV?

Image rotation by Matlab without using imrotate

Gaussian filtering a image with Nan in Python