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How to get the items count from an IList<> got as an object?

Lock free & Thread-Safe IList<T> for .NET

Conversion of IEnumerable<T> to IList

Must IList be finite?

c# .net ilist icollection

DataGridView Using SortableBindingList

Why is there no IArray(T) interface in .NET?

Unit-testing IList with CollectionAssert

Implementing IList interface

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Convert IList to array in C#

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IList trouble. Fixed size?

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Custom Collection using IEnumerable vs ICollection vs IList

Best string container: StringCollection, Collection<string>, List<string>, ArrayList, ..?

Difference between IEnumerable and IEnumerable<T>?

How do I get all the values of a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> as an IList<TValue>?

c# .net-3.5 dictionary ilist

What should I use an IEnumerable or IList? [duplicate]

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Cast IList to List

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Sorting an IList in C#

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Why doesn't IList support AddRange

c# .net ilist

C# Syntax - Split String into Array by Comma, Convert To Generic List, and Reverse Order

c# generics syntax ilist

IList vs IEnumerable for Collections on Entities