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New posts in iidentity

Implementing IPrincipal and IIdentity in MVC with use of custom membership and role provider

Override the IIdentity property of User

c# asp.net-mvc iidentity

How do you use IPrincipal and IIdentity in the portable class libraries?

Unity equivalent for Ninject's Bind.ToMethod of IPrincipal,IIdentity

SerializationException on 'CustomIdentity' when user is denied in ASP.NET

Implementing IIdentity, what is AuthenticationType?

Implementing a Custom Identity and IPrincipal in MVC

using custom IPrincipal and IIdentity in MVC3

Set Identity of Thread

HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name is always string.Empty

What is Thread.CurrentPrincipal, and what does it do?

What is the idea behind IIdentity and IPrincipal in .NET

c# .net iprincipal iidentity

ASP.NET MVC - Set custom IIdentity or IPrincipal