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New posts in idisposable

Object disposal with dependency injection

Disposing an ImageList

Should I implement IDisposable on a singleton?

private void Dispose(bool)?

Is it necessary to implement IDisposable when using the Entity Framework in MVC?

Would MVC call Dispose if your ViewModel was IDisposable?

NDepend CQL Query for missing IDisposable implementation

idisposable ndepend cql cqlinq

IQueryable Repository with StructureMap (IoC) - How do i Implement IDisposable?

When can't you use SafeHandle over Finalizer/IDisposable?

Who owns controls?

c# .net winforms idisposable

Polymorphism when concrete types *might* be disposable

c# polymorphism idisposable

Implementing IDisposable for Entity Framework in custom class

Best practice: Override OnDispose(bool disposing) vs Disposed event on Component

.net components idisposable

How to deal with a class than encapsulates a disposible instance?

Should we implement IDisposable if one member is IDisposable

Can a ThreadStatic IDisposable be automatically disposed?

Dispose MemoryStream when using with .Net Mail Attachment

Adding event handler in main() for SerialPort

How do I unit test a finalizer?

Determine managed vs unmanaged resources

c# .net resources idisposable