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New posts in threadstatic

Are WCF request handling Thread Agile?

C# Singleton Pattern Designs for ThreadStatic

Can a ThreadStatic IDisposable be automatically disposed?

ThreadStatic in asynchronous ASP.NET Web API

Why is ThreadStatic data being unexpectedly shared between threads?

Inheriting ThreadStatic values to implement dynamic scoping in C#/.NET in multithreaded context

c# logging scope threadstatic

C# ThreadStatic + volatile members not working as expected

How to maintain Thread context across async await model in C#?

c# async-await threadstatic

ASP.NET and ThreadStatic as part of TransactionScope's implementation

Accessing ThreadStatic field from .NET profiler

c# .net profile threadstatic

asp.net mvc3 request thread affinity

.NET: ThreadStatic vs lock { }. Why ThreadStaticAttribute degrades performance?

Using ThreadStatic to replace expensive locals -- good idea?

What's the effect of AsyncLocal<T> in non async/await code?

c# async-await threadstatic

Initializing ThreadStatic field still causes NullReferenceException

ThreadStatic v.s. ThreadLocal<T>: is generic better than attribute?

How does the ThreadStatic attribute work?

c# static threadstatic