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New posts in icc

How to override python's distutils gcc linker with icc?

"unix" C++ preprocessor macro is undefined with -std=c++11

c++ c++11 unix preprocessor icc

Recommended ways to use CMake with icc via configuration options?

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I got omp_get_num_threads always return 1 in gcc (works in icc)

gcc icc openmp

C++ exception and ld symbol warning

c++ exception ld icc

Template user defined conversions to abstract class reference and the Intel compiler

c++ icc

-O3 in ICC messes up intrinsics, fine with -O1 or -O2 or with corresponding manual assembly

Intel icc: how to dump optimized code as C file

Getting Fewest Instructions for `rsqrtss` Wrapper

c++ gcc assembly icc

GNU inline assembly optimisation

Segfault during static initialization when linking gcc-built Boost into an Intel C++-compiled program

c++ gcc boost icc

Linking libraries built with ICC with application built with GCC

gcc linker icc

Strange linking behaviour and undefined symbols

c linux icc nm

How to circumvent Intel C++ compiler's issue with `decltype` and inheritance?

Can not find the icc compiler after having installed Intel oneAPI, invoking from bash on Ubuntu 20

icc intel-oneapi

What are good heuristics for inlining functions?

Missing AVX-512 intrinsics for masks?

c gcc intrinsics icc avx512