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Why does Xcode 5 assistant editor defaults to .m file

How to add objects to IBOutletCollection?

Accessing IBOutlet from another class

ios class swift null iboutlet

weak IBOutlet UIView property would become nil

How Do I Access IBOutlets From Other Classes in Objective-C?

Xcode 4 control-drag won't create first IBOutlet or IBAction if '@end' is a header file's last line

Swift ios connect multiple items to the same IBOutlet

When does an IBOutlet initialize?

macos cocoa iboutlet

EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION when synthesizing @property (weak) IBOutlet NSWindow *window

How do I connect a IBOutlet to a UIView?

IBOutlets Strong or Weak - Does it Actually Make a Difference to Memory Management? (ARC)

Why is my IBOutlet being released under ARC?

ViewController's outlet view first non-nil, then nil when loading from bundle

How to connect an IBOutlet from an UITableViewController directly to custom cell?

How to initialize a variable when IBOutlet is initialized?

ios swift iboutlet initializer

Does readonly property for IBOutlet Work and would it be Preferable?

IBOutlet for NSTextView in a ARC project

iOS loadNibNamed confusion, what is best practice?

How to make UITextView "Done" button resignFirstResponder?