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Home automation using Arduino / XMPP client for Arduino

How do I get the remote ip address with httpurlconnection

java http

Limit WebClient DownloadFile maximum file size

.net asp.net http webclient

http c++ library?

c++ http libraries

Really weird Cookie header behaviour? - Cookies

How do I use python-magic to get the file type of a file over the Internet?

python string image http file

Simulate a form post with nested resources arrays using curl

ruby-on-rails xml http rest curl

Anyone had success mocking HttpRequests with Robolectric?

android http testing mocking

Server Listening on Multiple Ports [Java]

java http networking

HttpWebRequest.BeginGetRequestStream() best practice

c# http httpwebrequest

Can I declare two different charsets on one HTML page using a meta tag?

How to wait for async http to end before continuing?

java http gwt asynchronous

HTTP testing on the command line, is there something better than cURL?

http testing command-line

PHP post to REST web service

php xml http rest post

Alternative HTTP client library for Android

android http client

Apache ErrorDocument absolute path

Android File Upload Using HTTP PUT

android http upload

HttpClient: disabling chunked encoding

HTTP over C# sockets

c# http sockets web-crawler

HEAD request vs. GET request

python http urllib2 head pycurl