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New posts in google-talk

Authenticate to Google Talk (XMPP, Smack) using an authToken

android xmpp smack google-talk

Cant get offline messages using asmack api for Gtalk application

android google-talk asmack

Home automation using Arduino / XMPP client for Arduino

XMPP / GTalk / Jabber library for windows phone 7? [closed]

Where can I find the Google Talk Android client source code? [closed]

Is it possible to send message via GTalk Intent?

android xmpp google-talk

How to stop google from randomizing xmpp resource

xmpp google-talk

XMPP / Jabber: For custom messages I need to modify the client or the server?

xmpp openfire google-talk

.NET API for Google Talk? [closed]

SASL authorization failing while connecting to XMPP server

xmpp smack google-talk

does google talk use udp or tcp packets?

networking tcp udp google-talk

Receiving GTalk messages in own app?

android google-talk

How Google Talk server history pulling is implemented?

xmpp google-talk

Connect to Google Talk using smack

java smack google-talk

How to use smack with Openfire

How does Google Talk work?


In what programming language is GoogleTalk application developed?

How to use gtalk/hangout on ubuntu terminal? [closed]

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