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New posts in http-status-codes

Specify supported media types when sending "415 unsupported media type"

HTTP Status 200 with warnings?

http rest http-status-codes

Is a HTTP 405 status response allowed to have a body?

What status code should I return for a non AJAX request to an AJAX only URL?

ajax http http-status-codes

CORS and non 200 statusCode

Get description for HTTP status code

How return 304 status with FileResult in ASP.NET MVC RC1

400 vs 422 for Client Error Request

How to programmatically set Response.StatusCode different than 200 OK in ASP.NET Application and still serve content to client successfully?

HTTP 200 or 404 for empty list?

rest http http-status-codes

HTTP status code handling in GraphQL APIs

graphql http-status-codes

Can an HTTP OPTIONS request return a 204 or should it always return 200?

ASP.NET MVC3 HttpStatusCodeResult StatusDescription - Specified argument was out of the range of valid values

Chrome downloads the reloaded page on HTTP 205 response after an AJAX request

HTTP POST response Location header when creating multiple resources

HTTP Status code for generic failure

http http-status-codes

HTTP status code 200 vs 202

Most appropriate HTTP status code for "job in progress"

Java library to map HTTP status code to description? [closed]

In Google Apps Script, how can I set the HTTP response code for a service I implement?