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In Google Apps Script, how can I set the HTTP response code for a service I implement?

Say I have "service" returning a XML document:

function doGet() {
    var result = '<result>42</result>';
    var output = ContentService.createTextOutput(result);
    return output;

By default, the HTTP status code for the response will be 200. How can I set it something different, say 500 (while still returning the same XML document)?

like image 965
avernet Avatar asked Mar 05 '13 22:03


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1 Answers

This is not currently possible with the ContentService. Implicitly, only the 200 status code can be returned back by the successfully completion of the script. Other error codes are all system level that get raised when something goes wrong.

If you have a good use case for this, please open a feature request in the issue tracker.

like image 90
Arun Nagarajan Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 09:10

Arun Nagarajan