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New posts in http-headers

What should my expires, cache-control, and pragma HTTP request header fields be set to?

GWT RPC response header

gwt http-headers response rpc

Cannot remove Cache-Control: no-cache="set-cookie" in Apache2

apache2 http-headers

Django Test Client: How to remove http headers

What's the most efficient ETag generation given the following possibilities?

http caching http-headers go

ios-Soap method calling by http post request but response is empty

POST-ing a tweet using libcurl and liboauth in C

Should PHP header locations be encoded?

php http http-headers

CSRF Token in header and cookie do not match in requests

How to send headers with phpunit api request?

Request Headers vs Response Headers

What ISO code does the Accept-Language HTTP Header use?

http browser http-headers

How to remove the default HTTP headers added in Paw?

http-headers paw-app

BaseHTTPRequestHandler hangs on self.rfile.read()

Tamper with first line of URL request, in Firefox

http http-headers tampering

Creating and downloading CSV with PHP

php http-headers

how to get around "Content-encoding gzip deflate" header sent by Chrome?

Chrome is sending Cache-control:no-cache header

PHP / Curl: HEAD Request takes a long time on some sites