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New posts in http-delete

How to use HTTP method DELETE on Google App Engine?

LinkedIn Oauth - Revoke access from C#

c# linkedin http-delete

Spring MVC return HTTP 406 on URL with dot

Asp.net WEB API - What problems could arise if I use POST instead of PUT and DELETE?

REST Architecture for Multiple Deletes?

java spring rest http-delete

Web API 2 DELETE method always returns 500

Cannot delete document because of update conflict

curl couchdb http-delete


c# http http-delete

WCF REST service hosted in IIS does not support PUT and DELETE

wcf rest put http-delete

REST - revertable DELETE

rest revert http-delete

Spring MVC using @RequestParam with RequestMethod.DELETE on Tomcat 6.0.35

Use DELETE form method in Html.BeginForm()?

How to perform DELETE in Elixir using HTTPoison?

curl elixir http-delete

HttpMethod.Delete not working with RestTemplate of Spring-Android

ASP.NET Web API - 404 On Delete

When should I use HttpDelete or HttpPut in an asp.net mvc application

IIS7.5 Gives 500 Internal Server Error when trying to use DELETE verb

rest iis iis-7.5 http-delete

Retrofit throwing IllegalArgumentException exception for asynchronous FormUrlEncoded DELETE call

ExpressJS - res.redirect after DELETE request