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New posts in highlighting

How to prevent user copying text of a certain div using CSS?

How do I get Lucene (.NET) to highlight correctly with wildcards?

Can Solr highlighting also indicate the position or offset of the returned fragments within the original field?

solr highlighting

How do I highlight only the innermost table row of a nested table?

Marking text in a html document

highlight highlighting

Highlighting Text in java

IntelliJ IDEA 13 highlighting of SQL statement

How can I create Wikipedia's footnote highlighting solely with jQuery

jquery highlighting

Vim search and highlighting control from a script

search vim highlighting

Emacs: persistent highlighting of a region

emacs highlighting

Solr highlighting of multiple terms

solr highlighting

Quickly highlight a column range in vim

vim highlighting

Intellij: Highlight current block of code

C# structural highlighting in Visual Studio

how to find out where a vim highlighting is defined?

How to highlight all occurrences of a word on a page with Javascript or jQuery?

jQuery highlighting selected columns only in a table

JS - surroundContents only retains highlight on text about 20% of the highlight attempts

javascript highlighting

Where is the color of the cursor line defined?