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How to detect gamepad triggers both pushed with USB HID API?

usb hid xbox gamepad xinput

Virtual HID-keyboard for OS X

macos bluetooth hid l2cap

Android USB HID Device

android usb hid emulation

Gamepad and joystick support on Mac OS X in user space

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How do you get the raw descriptor data from a USB HID device in Windows?

c# c++ windows usb hid

Send APDU command to card through HID OMNIKEY 5427 CK

Trying to bind bluetooth socket to PSM 17 and 19 returns EACCESS on MeeGo

c bluetooth hid meego l2cap

OSX HID Filter for Secondary Keyboard?

macos cocoa keyboard hid

Find out which process has an exclusive lock on a USB device handle

c++ winapi usb hid device

USB HID hangs on Read() in C#

c# .net winapi usb hid

Serial or HID (usb) Communication in iOS (iPhone/iPad)

ios iphone objective-c hid ftdi

Is there a way to detect whether Windows is installing a device driver?

c# windows usb hid

UWP HID SendOutputReport always returns access denied, requires ReadWrite permissions

uwp hid wiimote

Convert events from a USB human interface device using C++

c++ winapi events hid

How to simulate a low level keypress on os x?

c objective-c cocoa macos hid

Create iOS BLE HID service?

How can I connect to a Server Side USB (HID) Device from within an ASP.NET Application?

c# asp.net usb hid