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New posts in heredoc

coloring in heredocs, bash

bash colors heredoc

INSERT INTO SQL Heredoc correct syntax

php mysql heredoc

Why do these Heredoc and Nowdoc cause errors?

php heredoc nowdoc

How can I interpolate variables in Python heredocs?

PHP Heredoc string rules

php string heredoc

Cat with heredoc does not work in zsh shell

shell zsh cat heredoc

/dev/stdin with herestring

bash cygwin stdin heredoc

How to output """ in the "here docs" of scala?

scala heredoc rawstring

conditional statements inside php heredocs syntax?

php conditional heredoc

Using Perl here-document results in "Can't find string terminator "EOF" anywhere before EOF"

perl heredoc

What's the difference between these two Perl snippets?

perl heredoc

Makefile recipe with a here-document redirection

Special uses of this syntax in PHP? (Triple 'Angle Brackets') [duplicate]

php css string heredoc brackets

I don't understand why string.size returns what it does

ruby heredoc

Accessing defined variable inside <<<HTML in php

php constants heredoc

Multiple Line String Literal in Actionscript 3

What is the best way to have long string literals in Javascript? [duplicate]

PHP equivalent to python's triple-quotes - How to print bulk / lots of HTML within PHP without escaping [duplicate]

Heredoc on docker exec

python bash shell docker heredoc

Working with long strings (heredocs) in Java - the readable approach? [duplicate]

java string heredoc