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New posts in header-files

Can I declare a variable as const in the public header and not in the private header?

mqueue.h not found

Why should I include an header file? And how #include actually works? [closed]

c header-files

Who writes header files

c header-files

ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'Stack" with no type

c++ stack header-files

Why include header in the method definition file?

`#import "FBConnect.h"` vs. '#import "FBConnect/FBConnect.h" '

Using .hpp Header Files from OpenCV

C++ is creating a header to solve circular dependency a good idea?

automatically generating .h from .cpp/.c

automation header-files

Including <termios.h> and <asm/termios.h> in the same project

c++ linux header-files termios

Why VScode display"'iostream' file not found"in .h file?

c++ class header-files

#include guard before or after comment block?

Code duplication between typedefs and explicit instantiations

What is the specified behavior of including a standard C header, in C++ code, inside a linkage-specification (extern "C", extern "C++")?

c++ c header-files linkage

endian.h not found on mac osx

c macos header-files

No warning with uninitialized C string