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Get Stack to pass test suite name as part of --test-arguments

haskell haskell-stack

getDirectoryContents:openDirStream: does not exist error when trying to build with stack


Caching stack databases between builds in Gitlab CI

How to fix "<stdin>: hGetLine: end of file" when running stack build --file-watch in a docker-compose command

stack build on macOS

haskell haskell-stack

upgrading the ghc version being used by haskell stack

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intero-goto-definition doesn't include libraries?

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Could I make Stack use my patched Cabal library?

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How to import rather than load modules on startup with 'stack ghci'?

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What is reason not to use stack --nix when I using nix?

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Stack: How can I use a multi-package dependency in `Setup.hs`?

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Haskell language extensions: pragma vs. compiler flag?

haskell haskell-stack

Statically linking Haskell program using stack on Amazon Linux, to use on AWS Lambda

Integrating Haste into Stack tool chain

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Stack not resolving dependencies properly

How to load tests in ghci with stack

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stack new command failing to download build plan for lts-14.1

haskell haskell-stack