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Why does Spark submit script spark-submit ignore `--num-executors`?

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Hadoop multiple outputs with speculative execution

Oozie and Job History Server configuration problems

How does YARN decide to create how many containers? (Why the difference between S3a and HDFS?)

Spark num-executors

Flink job started from another program on YARN fails with "JobClientActor seems to have died"

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Apache Spark Executors Dead - is this the expected behaviour?

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How a Spark executor runs multiple tasks?

Hive query too slow and failed

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Spark, Incorrect behaviour when throwing SparkException in EMR

How wordCount mapReduce jobs, run on hadoop yarn cluster with apache tez?

Re-run Spark jobs on Failure or Abort

Hadoop YARN how to determine the number of containers

Hadoop Error - All data nodes are aborting

Hadoop Yarn: How to limit dynamic self allocation of resources with Spark?

YARN: Containers and JVM

Spark Shell with Yarn - Error: Yarn application has already ended! It might have been killed or unable to launch application master

How to connect with JMX remotely to Spark worker on Dataproc