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guid generator in ruby [duplicate]

ruby guid

Allow null foreign key GUID

Why does Guid.NewGuid always have a 4 in the exact same spot?

.net random guid

What makes this pseudo-GUID generator better than math.random()?

javascript guid uuid

Are GUIDs generated on Windows 2003 safe to use as session IDs?

What does "clock sequence" mean?

uuid guid rfc dce

Configure Hibernate to use Oracle's SYS_GUID() for Primary Key

java oracle hibernate guid uuid

limiting the number of character in GUID

c#-4.0 guid

Create a random GUID in C# within a specified interval

c# guid

Can I display GUID in windbg?

com guid windbg

ComImport in C#, how do you find GUID for classes like IFileDialog in shell32.dll?

c# .net com guid

same uuid based on seed string in js

javascript node.js uuid guid

Use same GUID twice per row

LINQ to SQL Insert Sequential GUID

c# linq guid

How secure are GUIDs in terms of predictability?

.net guid uuid

Uniquely identify an email on send using System.Net.Mail

c# .net email smtp guid

how to enter values in rowguid column?

sql sql-server tsql guid ssms

How safe is it to rely on hashes for file identification?

hash guid identity

SQL Server -is a GUID based PK the best practice to support tenant based horizontal partitioning

Creating different GUID for same lowercase and upper case strings

c# .net-4.0 guid